Begin VI
Owning Palette: Reader VIs
Requires: LabPack
Starts the internal decoder. This is required to be called before any other Reader VIs are used. This creates a new buffer and interal tree, i.e. This will potentially allocate memory. This VI also resets or clears any error status.
Begin (Value)
Reader In is the decoder as an object of the Reader class, which is passed by value. | |
Msgpack Data is the binary MessagePack data to decode. | |
Error In describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality. | |
Reader Out is the decoder as an object of the Reader class, which is passed by value. | |
Error Out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality. |
Begin (Reference)
Reader In is the decoder as a Data Value Reference (DVR) of a Reader class object, which is passed by reference. | |
Msgpack Data is the binary MessagePack data to decode. | |
Error In describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality. | |
Reader Out is the decoder as a Data Value Reference (DVR) of a Reader class object, which is passed by reference. | |
Error Out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality. |