File Controls and VIs

Owning Palette: Loaders Classes, Controls, and VIs

Requires: Labstache

The File class represents a partial loader that loads partial Mustache templates stored in a file. This implementation matches the partial loading procedure mentioned in the Mustache template specification. The key for the partial tag is the file name without an extension. A default search path and file extension is used to locate the partial Mustache template file.

Class ItemDescription
LoadGets a template as a string based on the Partial's key value in the root, or master, template.
NewCreates a new File partial loader object. The key for a partial tag is a file name without the extension.
Read ExtensionGets the file extension for all Mustache partial templates. The partial tag's key is the file stem (file name without the extension). This extension is appended to the partial tag's key.
Read RootGets the location for all of the partial Mustache template files. If the Root path value is empty or <Not a Path>, then partial Mustache templates are located based on the Search Path.
Read Search PathGets the search path used to locate partial Mustache template files if the Root is empty or <Not a Path>.
Write ExtensionSets the file extension for all Mustache partial templates. The partial tag's key is the file stem (file name without the extension). This extension is appended to the partial tag's key.
Write RootSets the location for all of the partial Mustache template files. If the Root path value is empty or <Not a Path>, then partial Mustache templates are located based on the Search Path.
Write Search PathSets the search path used to locate partial Mustache template files if the Root is empty or <Not a Path>.