File Start VI

Owning Palette: Action-Status VIs

Requires: Logger

Starts writing logging statements to the default log file.

File Start VI

cerrcodeclstError In describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
cu32Write Period determines how often a batch of logging statements are written to a file. The default is 3000 ms (three seconds). Increasing the write period will reduce the number of IO calls during execution, which may be important in deterministic or high performance applications, but each write will take longer. Decreasing the write period will increase the number of IO calls during execution, but each write will be shorter. This value should be optimized on a per application basis.

If the Run in Background is FALSE, then this value is ignored. The Write Period control for the File node is used instead.

cboolRun in Background determines if the File should be started with the VI Server and ultimately run as a background process. If TRUE, then the File does not need to be explicitly placed in the top-level block diagram. If FALSE, then the File must be explicitly placed on a block diagram, typically in the top-level VI.

If Run in Background is TRUE and a stand-alone executable is desired, then the build specification for the executable (exe) application must uncheck the Remove Front Panel checkbox for all dependencies in the Source File Settings pane. See Why Am I Receiving the Error 1013: "Cannot load front panel." when I Run a Built Application or DLL? document for more information.

If Run in Background is FALSE and a stand-alone executable is desired, then there are no special requirements for the build specification.

ierrcodeclstError Out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.