Configure Prune All VI

Owning Palette: Configure VIs

Requires: Logger

Sets the flag to prune, i.e. delete, all files greater than the maximum file count. For example, if there are ten (10) files on disk, and the maximum file count is set to two (2) and this is true, then the eight (8) oldest log files will be deleted. If this false, then the eight (8) oldest log files will remain on disk, but rollover of two files will continue. The default is false because this was the default behavior before the addition of this feature.

Configure Prune All VI

cerrcodeclstError In describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
cboolPrune All indicates whether to delete all log files on disk in excess of the maximum file count (true) or just the oldest (false).
ierrcodeclstError Out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.