Quick Drop Keyboard Shortcuts

Owning Palette: Eulogy Add-on

Requires: Eulogy, Base Development Environment

Eulogy comes with a series of the Quick Drop Keyboard Shortcuts (QDKS) to easily dig, bury, reanimate, and smite graves and zombies, respectively.


This QDKS uses the Bury VI from the toolkit API to enable the Spirit frame (refactored code) and remove the grave along with the legacy code. Multiple graves can be selected and buried with a single execution of this QDKS, and non-grave nodes in a selection will be ignored.

To execute the QDKS:

  1. Open the block diagram of a VI that contains a grave.
  2. Select one or more graves to be removed.
  3. Open the QD dialog, Ctrl+Space.
  4. Enter Ctrl+F.


This QDKS uses the Dig VI from the toolkit API to wrap a selection of nodes on the block diagram of a VI in a grave. Controls and indicators are excluded from the grave, even if selected.

To execute the QDKS:

  1. Open the block diagram of a VI.
  2. Select one or more nodes/elements in the block diagram.
  3. Open the QD dialog, Ctrl+Space.
  4. Enter Ctrl+G.


This QDKS uses the Reanimate VI from the toolkit API to enable the Corpse frame (legacy code) and disable the Spirit frame (refactored code). A zombie bookmark is created for for each Corpse frame that is enabled. Corpses at multiple graves can be selected and reanimated with a single execution of this QDKS, and non-grave nodes, including Diagram Disable Structures that are not graves, are ignored.

To execute the QDKS:

  1. Open the block diagram of a VI.
  2. Select one or more graves to be reanimated.
  3. Open the QD dialog, Ctrl+Space.
  4. Enter Ctrl+Z.


This QDKS uses the Smite VI from the toolkit API to enable the Spirit frame (refactored code) and disable the Corpse frame (legacy code) containing a zombie. The zombie bookmark is not modified. Zombies at multiple graves can be selected and smited with a single execution of this QDKS. Non-grave nodes are ignored and graves that do not contain a zombie are unaffected.

To execute the QDKS:

  1. Open the block diagram of a VI.
  2. Select one or more graves to with zombies to smite.
  3. Open the QD dialog, Ctrl+Space.
  4. Enter Ctrl+S.