Version Minor VI

Owning Palette: Utility VIs

Requires: LabPack

Gets the Minor version number of the LabPack shared library. The LabPack shared library maintains a semantic versioning number with a Major, Minor, and Patch component. A difference in the Major number indicates backwards compatible breaking changes. A difference in the Minor number indicates new features and fixes that do not break backwards compatibility. A difference in the Patch number indicates a fix that does not break backwards compatibility and does not add any new features.

Version Minor VI

cerrcodeclstError In describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
cpathLabPack Shared Library is the absolute path to the LabPack shared library (DLL, dylib, or SO). If <Not a Path> is provided, then the LabPack LabVIEW library will search for the shared library in the current VI's directory, the source (src) folder of the project, and the system-specific library directory, such as /usr/lib on Unix-like systems. The first valid path to the shared library will be used.
iu32Version Minor is the Minor version number from the LabPack shared library semantic versioning number.
ierrcodeclstError Out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.