Create VI

Owning Palette: Reader VIs

Requires: LabPack

Creates a default object of the Reader class for reading and decoding MessagePack data.

Create VI

cpathLabPack Shared LibraryThe absolute path to the LabPack shared library (DLL, dylib, or SO). If <Not a Path> is provided, then the LabPack LabVIEW library will search for the shared library in the current VI's directory, the source (src) folder of the project, and the system-specific library directory, such as /usr/lib on Unix-like systems. The first valid path to the shared library will be used.
cerrcodeclstError In describes error conditions that occur before this node runs. This input provides standard error in functionality.
iLabPack_lvlib_ReaderlvclassReader is a Reader class object for decoding MessagePack data.
ierrcodeclstError Out contains error information. This output provides standard error out functionality.